ZIRK programming language official documentation // Data operations
1. + (Plus(addition(sum)))
sign is usually used to summarise something i think. At the moment there are 4 combinations of adition:
_yan_ + _yan_ is just addition of numbers:
Program exemple:
_yan_ a = 2
_yan_ b = 46
a + b
owo a
Program output:
_shyan_ + _shyan_ is merging strings togather:
Program exemple:
_shyan_ a = Hello_
_shyan_ b = world!
a + b
owo a
Program output:
_shyan_ + _yan_ is adding given number spaces to string. I'll add another string to a summary to show how it works:
Program exemple:
_shyan_ a = Hello
_yan_ b = 5
_shyan_ c = world!
a + b
a + c
owo a
Program output:
Hello world!
_yan_ + _shyan_ is adding a string length to a given number:
Program exemple:
_yan_ a = 1
_shyan_ b = 123456
a + b
owo a
Program output:
2. - (Minus(substraction(difference)))
is used to sudtract second value from first. There are 3 types of substraction:
_yan_ - _yan_ is difference of numbers:
Program exemple:
_yan_ a = 2
_yan_ b = 46
a - b
owo a
Program output:
_shyan_ - _yan_ shortens the string by the given number of characters:
Program exemple:
_shyan_ a = 123456789
_yan_ b = 4
a - b
owo a
Program output:
_yan_ - _shyan_ substract the length of string fro the number:
Program exemple:
_yan_ a = 10
_shyan_ b = 12345
a - b
owo a
Program output:
3. * (Multiply(multiplication(product)))
works simple: you assign the product of multiplication of two variables to the first variable.
In the current version (0.0.19) there are 4 ways of multiplication:
_yan_ * _yan_ is algebraic multiplication:
Program exemple:
_yan_ a = 37
_yan_ b = 15
a * b
owo a
Program output:
_shyan_ * _shyan_ multiplies the first string by the length of the second:
Program exemple:
_shyan_ a = AsdfdsA
_shyan_ b = 123
a * b
owo a
Program output:
_shyan_ * _yan_ multiplies the strint _yan_ times:
Program exemple:
_shyan_ a = aBc
_yan_ b = 4
a * b
owo a
Program output:
_yan_ * _shyan_ is multiplication of the number by length of string:
Program exemple:
_yan_ a = 3
_shyan_ b = qwert
a * b
owo a
Program output:
3. / (Devide(devision(fraction)))
is used to devide the first variable by the second. As you know, there are 3 types of deviion:
_yan_ / _yan_ returns the fraction of the virst value over the second:
Program exemple:
_yan_ a = 22
_yan_ b = 7
a / b
owo a
Program output:
_yan_ / _yan_ returns the fraction of the virst value over the second:
Program exemple:
_yan_ a = 22
_yan_ b = 7
a / b
owo a
Program output:
_shyan_ / _yan_ deletes given number of character at the beginning of the string:
Program exemple:
_shyan_ a = abcdefgh
_yan_ b = 3
a / b
owo a
Program output:
_yan_ / _shyan_ devides number by the length of string:
Program exemple:
_yan_ a = 19
_shyan_ b = qwertyu
a / b
owo a
Program output: